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June 22, 2009- Monday

Today we woke up earlier than all the other days. We had devotions at 730 and breakfast at 800. So we were mostly all tired. We wanted to get to Cuesta Arena Early because we expected it to be the last day with the kids witch was going to be really sad. We have all got so attached to the kids. Luckily we have a late flight back home so we get to go to see the kids early Wednesday morning. Anyway when we got to Cuesta Arena we did not bring out to many toys at first we just talked to the kids in the shade it is very hot.

June 21, 2009- Sunday

Today was a lot different than the other days! We got to sleep in a little bit this morning because we went to church service. It was really great because they sang a lot of popular praise songs but in Spanish. We were the quest choir this morning, we sang Amazing Grace and Trading my Sorrows and Jack played the Banjo! After church we went to Pastora’s house for Lunch and headed out of Cuesta Arena. About 30 minutes after we got there we walked down to the baseball field; it was super hot but a lot of fun. I actually played even though I had no idea what I was doing.

June 20, 2009- Saturday

Today we woke up, had morning devotions and then went to pastoras house to have breakfast. Her mom cooks very well. After we went to cuesta arena to spend time with the kids and spread the word of God. Spending time with the kids really touches my heart. they have so little, yet they give so much love out and even though i dont speak spanish well they still enjoy every second with me. a little boy named jahncito is just atached to me and these little kids just get attatched to the attention given to them. It is truly amazing how they are always smiling with what they have.

June 19, 2009

Our second day in the DR was great! We woke up and did our devotions, then we drove to the Pastor’s home and FINALLY got out suitcases! Thank God! After that we went back to La Islita to change into some clean clothes and then headed out to Custa Arena. When we got there, the children walked us down to the river. It was a great experience to see where they lived, bathed and had to walk to multiple times a day, and it was a long walk! Today made me very greatful for everything I have and where I live. Next we went to the monument and we could see almost the whole city! It was beautiful!

June 18, 2009- Thursday

Today was our first day out and about in the DR. We did this in the same cloths as we wore yesterday due to the wonderful American Airlines. Although the lack of cloths and stuff has been an incovience, it has also been a blessing in many ways as it has forced us to remember that we actually can live without a lot of things! In this spirit we went to go and work in a small community called, Cuesta Arena.

St Pauls UMC

Tonight we picked up group 2, St Pauls UMC from Jacksonville from the airport. They all arrived safely but were missing about 16 pieces of luggage didn’t make it. Hopefully they will be delivered tomorrow. We came to the Pastora’s house to eat dinner then will go to La Islita to settle in and sleep.

June 17, 009- Wednesday

Yesterday we had our last day in Cuesta Arena. We walked to a bunch of different houses to see how the people live. We came back and had lunch at the Pastor’s house then spent the afternoon shopping. WIth 7 women on a trip, we did our share of shopping. We stopped by the monument before heading back for dinner. After dinner, we walked to the plaza for helado (icecream) and the group said their final good-byes to the Pastora. This morning we were up early and dropped off the first group at the airport. Today is a lazy day.

June 15, 2009- Monday

God is Good all the time! All the Time God is Good! We went to Santa Domingo today to see the Bishop so he could sign some papers for Sarah. We also went to see a Doctor about getting a leg for Joan (Yo Juan). We got a appointment for him for June 30th. We met Moreno at the Bishops office and we got to spend the day with him and Jorge which was so very to me. I really miss him and Jorge and Carly. We spent time at the beach also and it was very nice to sit and watch the kids play in the water.

June 14, 2009- Sunday

Wake up thanking the Lord for everything, we had devotions, went to the pastor’s house for breakfast. Then church. Sunday school was great Sarah did the fruit of the spirit and the armor of God, the children loved it and they all participated, you could see the joy on their faces. Church was wonderful even thou the language was hard to understand, we clap and sing and enjoy the Bishop’s sermon on making disciples, looking for God and celebrating his presence. The pastor’s husband, Franscio, took us to lunch.