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Santiago after the quake

Many of you have asked about the condition of our friends in the Dominican Republic after the earthquake. I have talked with Pastora Sairy and missionary friends Kim and Damon and they are all doing well. Santiago is far enough away from Port au Prince, though they felt some of the shake, their buildings suffered no damage. When I return in Feb I will be able to give a better account of the after math. I know there are thousands of Haitians that have been taken over the border to get medical care. Santiago has a huge hospital that could possibly recieve patients.


This is such an amazing story that I decided it needed to be blogged! In Feb 2009, I was in the DR with a group from Ohio. The pastor pulled them aside to share with them about a boy….really a man, who was 20 and had been in an auto accident in December. He had completely lost his leg just below the hip. To make matters worse he was in construction and would no longer be able to work. He had to move home with his sister and have her take care of him. The look on his face was if his life was over, which in his eyes, it was.

October 2009 Picture Link

I saw that the picture link is not currently working for the pictures so here are the pictures for the October Trip fron Next Community Church.

October 19, 2009- Scott Billue

Well we’re wrapping things up here in the DR as far as our work goes. The Highlight of the day was when Grande El Toro hit an out of the Park Homerun while playing baseball with the kids. Who is Grande El Toro? Brian The Chicken Whisperer of course! This afternoon my little friend Maria looked up at Brian and said Grande El Toro…. Yes, Big Bull! Hummmmm… wonder what she meant.

October 19, 2009- Brian Vail

Good evening, day 6. When my wife was running marathons she would tell me about mile 16. During a marathon the 16th mile is usually when a runner hits a wall and feels if maybe they can’t go on anymore. I thought this morning, today was my 16th mile. I awoke very tired and with terrible sinus issues. We took Bill to the Airport, saw him off then we had breakfast. We then went to the village where I had plans on installing the rest of the plumbing and the electrical runs.

October 18, 2009 Scott Billue

This will be a short one this evening as I was falling asleep over a dinner of Pork Chops, Broccoli & Cheese, a Cabbage Cole Slaw and Rice followed by some Flan… we are not starving!

October 17, 2009- Scott Billue

Hello again… well here we are again suffering from a case of the Kanckles in beautiful Cuesta Arenas … hopefully they will not be a huge distraction while I am preaching tomorrow morning. I am really excited about tag teaming with Pastora as she has a wonderful spirit about her and truly loves her flock and community. Please keep us in prayer as I pray God will use me to be an encouragement to her and to her people.

October 17, 2009- Brian Vail

Good Saturday evening, day 4. Today we traveled back to the village after a fantastic breakfast of flapjacks and fried eggs at the pastora’s house. When we arrived at the village we were taken on a walk by the children. They love to show you their homes, they do not have much but what they do have they are proud of. It really makes you appreciate what we have. After seeing the homes we ventured to the river that is about a 20 minute walk, Scott thought it was longer of course. Once we got to the river the view was beautiful and it did not take long for the kids to start swimming.

October 16, 2009- Scott Billue

Well I am proud to say I am still upright after yet another day of amazing physicality and another sleepless night sharing a room with the “Chicken Whisperer” (Brian). Really, y’all should see him talk with the chickens… I swear they perk right up and listen to him. (I am sure they are saying to one another… that’s one Big Chicken!)

October 15, 2009- Brian Vail

Good Morning day 3. We went to the village yesterday and also the hardware store, their version of Home Depot, very different experience you must check out at each department then proceed to the front where there is another cashier to check you out, then to the bagger that goes through your stuff again to make sure you only have what you bought, then to the doorman who checks you out again. We then proceeded to the village to begin our work along with 17 sticks of 20ft PVC pipe tied to our roof of the van.