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Mar 19- Cleansing Rain

This morning I read my devotion out of the Disciplines Daily Devotional for yesterday. (I was a little behind) The passage comes from Isaiah 43:16-21 ” 16 This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, 17 who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: 18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Mar 18- another day

Today we got up and worked out and when we got home the electricty and the water was out in the city. We went to the court house to continue the work on the birth certificates for Edman’s family. There are so many issues and problems. I learned today that they have had the documents they have just always been wrong. One of the brothers, Francisco (there are two), is listed as Fransisca and a female. Hermania is said to have been born on April 31.

March 14- Domingo

This past Sunday was a major political day for Santiago. The president was here and everyone in the PLD party. In the main streets, in front of the church, thousands of people gathered to be apart of the politcal parade. Everyone was dressed in purple and red and flags were flying. Franciso, the pastors husband, is running for diplomat in the PLD party. Though there are normally signs with this picture up, Sunday there were hundreds. We watched from TV since the crowds can be dangerous as the parade took place.

La Problema no es de Ti

Tonight was Wednesday night bible study. The past few weeks we have been studying prayer. It has been awesome for me because I understand more and more of what is being said each week, but it has also been a while since I’ve been in a bible study…actually opening the bible to study. Tonight we read from Hebrews 11:6. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him” I believe that we are ernestly seeking Him with the water system in Cuesta Arena.

March 10- Dia de Los Pastores

Today is the day of pastors, a celebration of everyone who is a pastor. Felicidades (Congrats) to all pastors. Yesterday we drove to Gasper Hernandez to meet with one of the pastors friends to get ideas for a black light theatre show that we will be doing for the Wednesday of Holy Week. We then went to the office to get some papers finalized on the birth certificates for the family of Edman (Herman’s real name that apparently I misunderstood).

March 8- Dia de Las Mujeres

Apparently it has been a while since I last blogged. Nothing too exciting has happend til now. This weekend Jocelyn came and we spent most of our time hanging out at the house playing games with the boys. Sunday we helped with the children’s Sunday school class upstairs for the first time. I haven’t been to church here the past 2 Sundays because I’ve been away.

Mar 4- Home from Haiti

We had a great trip to Haiti. It was sad to leave the team. Today they were seeing 100 people before lunch. Then headed to an orphanage that is filled with disabled children. Tomorrow they are headed into Port au Prince. I wish I could have been there for that trip. Though we saw lots of damage in Croix de Bouquet and Eben-ezer, I would have loved to have made the journey into Port au Prince. Headed home was not as easy as the treck there. It took over an hour to cross the border due to market day.

Mar 3- Haiti

We are on day 3 of our medical clinic. The first day started off a little rough because of the earthquake. So far was have had no more tremors. Yesterday we saw 181 people. Today we have tagged 250. At lunch we are at 107. We have met up with another group that came down with no plans and they have been able to help and jump right in, most were nurses. The people are very gracious for anything we can do for them. Today we saw many of the orphans from the orphanage next door that we played with the first day. Tomorrow Kim and Damon and I are heading back to Santiago tomorrow.

Water Update for Cuesta Arena

Actual readings in parts per million (ppm):
Untreated Cuesta Arena well water:
Ca 240, Mg 145, Fe 10, Na 285, S 430, Si 10, pH=6.69

Treated Cuesta Arena well water:
Ca 175, Mg 142, Fe <10, Na 361, S 430, Si 10, pH=7.16 local city water values for same elements: Ca 36, Mg 9, Fe <10, Na 18, S 10, Si <10, pH=6.65

March 1- Haiti

We set up the clinic this morning and passed out 230 numbers within a couple of minutes. About an hour after we got started I was downstairs in the waiting area holding a baby that has an infection in both eyes and is hungry. His mother couldn’t quiet him so I took him and got him to sleep. Apparently everyone felt a tremor and the people freaked out and stampeded toward the one person gate that was open. Alll 230 people!! They got stuck in the doorway and couldn’t get out. The trampled the old and then young to free themselves.