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Blog, Page 24

Morgan’s Blog

Today was a very fun day. We went to the beach and swam and took a walk the water felt good!!! Then I went back to hang with Scott and Freddy was there!!!! Then I was washing my face and abbs of steal off and it was cold!!!!!!!!! So the Scott his camera out and took a bunch of pics of me doing the cold dance!!! IT WAS COLD!!!!!! So the we went back to the house and ate of course the food was amazing and wanting to take Pastoras mom home for her to cook for me so then that gave me the idea for my man Freddy to come drive for us at the church !!!!! I love him!!!!!!!!

Kate’s Blog

What an amazing week it has been! We have been able to see God in beautiful ways. One of the standout times for me was one day at Cuesta Arena when I was sitting with a little girl named Daniela and we were sitting under the roof, with our backs against a pole, sitting closely together. I was looking around, seeing everyone playing soccer and baseball and coloring and so much activity and noise going on and the sky and sun looking so incredibly beautiful… And there I was with Daniela. So much stuff going on around us. But I felt like it was just me and her. And God.

Courtney’s Blog

It’s already been five days but I feel as if I’ve only just arrived. When I first flew into Santiago I thought, “How will I reach these kids from different communities in only five days?” But after today I’ve come to realize that our mission group made a difference the very first day. This morning after eating another delicious breakfast at Pastora’s house, our group went to her church for Sunday School and the adult service. When we reached the church, Erin and I immediately spotted Juancito and his face lights up at the sight of us!

Scotts Blog

So today was the last day at Los Cocos, I was really looking forward to seeing Andreas and Jr. Not a minute after I stepped out of the van Andreas came up to me and gave me a huge hug! We held hands and walked across the street where we were met by Jr. He climbed up the side of me, gave me a hug and just held on to me. I could tell it was going to be another good day! We told the story of the Noah, the ark and the flood, we also made rainbow bead wristbands. Andreas was my helper, he passed out beads and yarn to all the other kids first, then got his.

Erin’s Blog

Today we went to Los Cocos in the morning and told the Paul and Lydia story to all the kids. Luis and Sarah acted out the skit and we passed out ribbons and sang songs in Spanish. While there I had a conversation with a few kids and actually understood all of it! We talked about colors and sports and taught each other words in our own language.

St. Paul UMC – The first couple days

Hey there from the Dominican Republic! So far, only one person lost their luggage – but it’s already been found, so that’s a little better than the last time a group came from our church (everyone’s luggage was lost for multiple days). We got in a little late on Tuesday after 2 delayed flights (and lots of fun in airports) and it was amazing to see Santiago by daylight Wednesday morning. It’s a very pretty country and we’re able to see a lot of parts of it – from the city to the country.

Arriving and Day 1

Yesterday Ali and I left very early in the morning. We arrived into Santiago at 130 and were greeted by Sairy, Momi, and Frank at the airport. When we got home we ate until satisfied. Sairy and I spent the afternoon talking about the groups and what they would be doing. We then went and checked into La Islita. Sairy had a meeting so Ali and I spent the evening playing Monopoly and the famous Swap with Felix and Luis. Dinner was my always favorite Queso Frito y Yucca!!! We then went to La Sierna to buy supplies for VBS.

A Cistern for Cuesta Arena

For the past few days I have been talking with Sairy and Bill Dorsey about the Water System in Cuesta Arena. As most of you know we have been working with company in the DR as well as with the Mentor Ohio Rotary for a grant. Sairy recently sent us the quote and recommendations from the company so we can apply for the 3 to 1 grant matching program through the Rotary. We currently have $5,000 which with the grant will be made into $15,000. Bill will be presenting the beginning of April and we will wait from there to find out if it is approved and what we will be granted.

Three Years

This October marks the three year mark that we have been working to get our small community clean water. It has been an uphill battle I personally have struggled with physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I know through simple education that clean water to this community would have lasting affects on the quality of life 250 families would receive. Clean water would foster health, education, and longevity of life. Last October we opened the system, educated the people, and began distribution of the water.

Inner Glow

This morning I woke up, my first day back in the states after spending 10 glorious days in the Dominican Republic. I opened up my devotion for the morning and read about Mother Teresa’s inspiration to serve. It talked about how her Inspiration lifted her spirits and made her face shine. It gave her an inner glow similar to that of Moses when he came down from the mountain after encountering Christ. The last few sentences sum up the devotion: “Like Moses and Mother Teresa, we may not always feel the glow of God’s presence within us.