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Blog, Page 20

Allie Rippe June 15, 2012

To start with, I miss my mom a lot more than I had even imagined. I guess I’m not as ready for college as I thought that I was. The showers are cold, the rooms hot, and I haven’t been able to wash the conditioner out of my hair in …

Gabriela Carmo June 17, 2012

Well for starters, I would have to say that this time I’ve been spending in the Dominican has far surpassed my expectations. I heard many stories of the children and of the people but nothing prepared could prepare my heart for the love and connection I would have for this …

Katie Chambers June 14, 2012

Coming back to the Dominican Republic was a long, thought-provoking decision. Last July I spent a week with the most wonderful children …

El Temblor that Changed Everything

In Feb 2010, a 7.0 earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The effects were felt physically across the island of Hispaniola and emotionally effected …

Fishers of Men

As always, the music on Sundays makes you move and sing but one of my favorite parts of worship is in the …

Inspired by Team Members

This past March we had our youngest Renewed Hope missionary, Jac. This amazing kid now has friends in another country and truly …

Help Us Finish the School in Cuesta Arena

As many of you know, I graduate in May. Only a few weeks left. Upon graduation, I am planning on dedicating the next year to spending time in Santiago and working in Cuesta Arena to finish the school. We would love to have the school open by the end of summer, but ideally probably the end of 2012. We only need a few pieces left before we can focus on the opening of the school. Sairy has talked with our contractor and given me the following estimates. I would love for churches to partner with us and adopt a piece of the school and help fundraise.

Looking for Guitar and Sax

I had two Dominican brothers from the church ask about instruments. They are both interested in learning how to play them and were wondering if anyone had one that could be donated. If you have a guitar or saxophone sitting in your closet or maybe see one at a garage sale and are willing to donate it please let me know. I will be traveling back this summer and can take it with me.