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Blog, Page 14

May 27, 2013- A Future for Javier

This morning I met with Guillermo in Cuesta Arena. Guillermo’s brother Francisco (for those missionaries that know Cuesta Arena- the blue house by the water project with the outhouse we always used) married Carmen and had one son, Francisco Javier aka Javier, Javiecito, Frank, and many other names depending on …

May 24, 2013- Zoologico

Wednesday, May 22 we took the kids to the zoo. The kids were super excited for days before we left. Every time I went to visit they all told me how they were going to the “zoologico” or the zoo. Unlike zoos in the states, the children could get very …

May 8, 2013- Martin Alla

Today started off like the Dominican’s like to say “Fantastico”.  Woke up around 9:30 a.m, tired, but ready to serve.  After a …

May 7, 2013- Debbie M

Today we were given the opportunity to tour as well as shadow doctors from a hospital called Materno Infantil and a free clinic. Doctor …

May 6, 2013-Celeste Rousseau

My name is Celeste Rousseau, and I have just completed my second year at the University of Florida. I am currently studying …

May 5, 2013- Natalie Palmer

Today we woke up and got ready for breakfast at Sairy’s house. They have been so hospitable serving us some of the …