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Blog, Page 13

June 13, 2013- Kelly M

Today we visited Cuesta Arena. We toured the school, dug some holes, killed some spiders, played with the kids, saw a dying parrot, and played some baseball! Then we eventually made our way back down towards Los Cocos again. Once we arrived all the kids flocked around us to greet …

June 12, 2013-doles

today was our first day in the dominican republic on our mission trip and it was very new to me. we traveled through the main city which was very unique in its own way, and it also made me want to climb on everything. we then reached the small settlement …

VBS this Summer

This past week I had the chance to sit down with the teachers of the various different communities and talk details about …

June 2-Kristy

Hasta Luego Cuesta Arena Today was a mix of doing one of my favorite things and one of the things I hate …

May 31, 2013- Jane Wilson

Yesterday, the youngest member of our team, Anna, did a devotion about the Tower of Babel.  In her children’s version, God said …

May 30, 2013- Emily Amburn

A mission trip consists of different components, each important in fulfilling God’s work. The manual labor, which today included mixing concrete, hauling …

May 29, 2013- Robert Greenwood

I am 48 hours into my first international mission trip and I have been tasked with writing the first blog entry from …