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Makenna Burns 3-14-17

After a long, flight- filled Saturday, we finally made it to the Dominican Republic! Then after a two and a half hour drive from Santa Domingo to Santiago, we made it to the missionary site where we were going to stay. God graciously blessed us with safe travels. This being …

Natalie Grant 3-14-2017

Hello from Santiago! It’s our third day in the Dominican Republic and we are learning more about the culture and people here every day. Today, our group went to a town called La Herradura (The Horseshoe) to administer medical care and work with kids. While our team of doctors and …


If you have ever been to Cuesta Arena you have met Juancito. A sweet and loving kid whose story breaks everyone’s heart. …

August 8, 2016- Jenn Dixon

This has been a long time coming and it has been COMPLETELY worth the wait, as excruciating as it has been!  My …

August 7, 2016- Kaira

This trip’s overarching theme: You can’t plan for everything.  I packed my bags with bug spray, sunscreen, and clothing for work and …