Adam Karbiener June 16, 2012
We began the day with a quick devotional before heading on our way to Los Cocos, where we assisted a VBS and made bracelets with the kids. Helping the masses of kids with their beads was an entertaining process, as they were losing pieces and running around and trying to get them all tied up on their wrists. After an hour or two there, we headed off to Cuesta Arenas, where the workers were busy on the plumbing pipes today and there wasn’t much help that us “non-professionals” could give. Because of that, plenty more time was spent today learning some spanish from the kids, playing baseball and catch outside, and playing a little soccer inside. We were also fortunate to be lead around by some of the children to their homes and got to see where some of them live. After our walk, we had a little work to do for moving some dirt into the future bathroom, and from there we concluded our time of working as the rain clouds moved in and the wind picked up. Our real adventure began as a rain shower moved into the area and we tried to race home before things got too dangerous. Coincidentally, we had to take a couple U-turns and different routes home to avoid flooded streets but that led us into a path of waist deep water, where the bus that we were riding stalled out. After a few moments of confusion, and some scared faces on our women, the brave men decided to hop out and push the bus for about a few hundred yards to a safe intersection where some mechanically savvy locals attempted to offer help. The bus needed a little more pushing to its final location for the night, where we called taxis to bring us to dinner. I was very thankful that our girls were faithful in prayer over us in a dangerous situation, where we were saved from some potentially dangerous situation. It was very inspiring to me to have all of my closest friends behind me in prayer, living out their faith. All is well with us, and we will continue to do the work that we are presented with in faith and in love. The support of all who are praying for us and those who helped make this trip possible is appreciated, and know that I am thankful and very blessed.